For Companies/Clients
InspectEra provides a partner-led, high-touch executive search service that is client-driven and committed to helping you find the right specialist for your business.
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  • 786 Inspectors
  • 445 Available now
  • 45 Countries
  • 2367 Certificates

InspectEra Database

The electronic platform InspectEra was created by UAB GriJana with the aim of interaction between companies and inspectors to maintain the quality of work on projects.

UAB GriJana in the inspection business since 2012. Over those years we have gained a lot of experience in different steel production business areas Oil&Gas, Renewable Energy, Shipbuilding, and Industrial projects.

Our inspector’s database will help companies to find the right candidate for their project, bypassing the complexity and unnecessary time costs.

Inspection Management

Cooperation agreements

Partnership in the field